Publications in journals

  • Picos, R. ; Roca, M.; Isern, E.; Segura, J.; García-Moreno, E., "Experimental Results on BIC Sensors for Transient Current Testing", "Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications", Issue 16, Pages 235-241, 2000. Paper.
  • M. Alcubierre; S. Brandt; B. Bruegmann; C. Gundlach; J. Masso; E. Seidel; P. Walker, "Test-beds and applications for apparent horizon finders in numerical relativity", "Classical and Quantum Gravity", Volume 17, Pages 2159-2190, 2000. Paper.
  • S. Brandt; T. Font; J.M. Ibáñez; J. Massó; E. Seidel, "Numerical Evolution of Matter in Dynamical Axisymmetric Black Hole Spacetimes I: Methods and Tests", "Computer Physics Communications", Volume 124, Pages 169-196, 2000. Paper.