Publications in journals

  • Font, J.; Picos, R.; Roca, M.; Isern, E.; García-Moreno, E., "A New BICS for CMOS Operational Amplifier by using Oscillation Test Techniques", "Microelectronics Journal", Volume 34, Issue 10, Pages 919-926, 2003. Paper.
  • Font, J.; Ginard, J.; Picos, R.; Isern, E.; Segura, J.; Roca, M.; García-Moreno, E., "A BICS for CMOS OpAmps by Monitoring the Supply Current Peak", "Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications", Volume 19, Issue 5, Pages 597-603, 2003. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, J.; Mandel, Paul; Pieroux, D., "Dynamical properties of lasers coupled face to face", "Physical Review E", Volume 67, Issue 1, Pages 036201, 2003. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, Julien; Lippi, Gian Luca; Politi, Antonio, "Reduced model for the description of radiation-matter interaction including atomic recoil", "Physical Review A", Volume 68, Pages 033405-1-033405-13, 2003. Paper.
  • Picos, R.; Roca, M.; Iñíguez, B.; García-Moreno, E., "A new procedure to extract the threshold voltage of MOSFETs using noise-reduction techniques", "Solid-State Electronics", Volume 47, Issue 11, Pages 1953-1958, 2003. Paper.
  • Debora Coll, Rodrigo Picos and Eugeni García, "State of the art of the Virtual Utility: the Smart Generation Network", "International Journal of Energy Research", Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 65-80, 2003. Paper.
  • Cerdà, J. J.; Sintes, T.; Toral, R., "Pair Interaction between end-grafted polymers onto spherical layers: a monte Carlo Study.", "Macromolecules", Volume 36, Pages 1407-1413, 2003. Paper.