Groen, Derek ;Borgdorff, Joris ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Hetherington, James ;Nash, Rupert W. ;Zasada, Stefan J. ;Saverchenko, Ilya ;Mamonski, Mariusz ;Kurowski, Krzysztof ;Bernabeu, Miguel O. ;Hoekstra, Alfons G. ;Coveney, Peter V., "Flexible composition and execution of high performance, high fidelity multiscale biomedical simulations", "Interface Focus", Volume 3, Issue 2, Pages 20120087, 2013. Paper.
Tahir, Hannan ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Hoekstra, A.G, "Modelling the Effect of a Functional Endothelium on the Development of In-Stent Restenosis", "Plos One", Volume 8, Issue 6, 2013. Paper.
Joan J. Cerdà; Pedro A. Sánchez; Christian Holm; Tomàs Sintes, "Phase diagram for a single flexible Stockmayer polymer at zero field", "Soft Matter", Volume 9, Pages 7185-7195, 2013. Paper.
Minina, E.S; Muratova, A.B; Cerdà, J.J; Kantorovich, S. S., "Microstructure of bidisperse ferrofluids in a thin layer", "Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics", Volume 116, Pages 424-441, 2013. Paper.
Tandoi, G.; Javaloyes, J.; Avrutin, E.; Ironside, C.N.; Marsh, J.H., "Subpicosecond Colliding Pulse Mode Locking at 126 GHz in Monolithic GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Well Lasers: Experiments and Theory", "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 1100608-1100608, 2013. Paper.
Perez-Serrano, A.; Javaloyes, J.; Balle, S., "Spectral delay algebraic equation approach to broad area laser diodes", "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", Volume 19, Issue 5, Pages 1502808, 2013. Paper.
Marconi, M.; Javaloyes, J.; Barland, S.; Giudici, M.; Balle, S., "Robust square-wave polarization switching in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers", "Physical Review A", Volume 87, Issue 1, Pages 013827, 2013. Paper.
Pedro A. Sánchez; Joan J. Cerdà; Tomás Sintes; Christian Holm, "Effects of the dipolar interaction on the equilibrium morphologies of a single supramolecular magnetic filament in bulk", "Journal of Chemical Physics", Volume 139, Pages 044904, 2013. Paper.
Perez-Serrano, A.; Javaloyes, J.; Balle, S., "Multichannel wavelength conversion using four-wave mixing in semiconductor ring lasers", "IEEE Photonics Technology Letters", Volume 25, Issue 5, Pages 476-479, 2013. Paper.
García Moreno, E.; Isern, E.; Roca, M.; Picos, R.; Font, J.; Cesari, J.; Pineda, A., "Temperature compensated floating gate MOS radiation sensor with current output", "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", Volume 60, Issue 5, Pages 4026-4030, 2013. Paper.
Borgdorff, Joris ;Falcone, Jean-Luc ;Lorenz, Eric ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Chopard, Bastien ;Hoekstra, Alfons G., "Foundations of distributed multiscale computing: Formalization, specification, and analysis", "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing", Volume 73, Issue 4, Pages 465-483, 2013. Paper.