Publications in journals

  • Sánchez, P.A.; Cerdà, J.J.; Ballenegger, V.; Sintes, T.; Piro, O.; Holm, C., "Semiflexible magnetic filaments near attractive flat surfaces: a Langevin dynamics study", "Soft Matter", Volume 7, Issue 5, Pages 1809-1818, 2011. Paper.
  • Kantorovich, S.; Weeber, R.; Cerdà, J.J.; Holm, C., "Ferrofluids with shifted dipoles: ground state structures", "Soft Matter", Volume 7, Pages 5217-5227, 2011. Paper.
  • Pérez-Serrano, A.; Javaloyes, J.; Balle, S., "Longitudinal mode multistability in ring and Fabry-Pérot lasers: the effect of spatial hole burning", "Optics Express", Volume 19, Issue 4, Pages 3284-3289, 2011. Paper.
  • Font-Rosselló, J.; Isern, E.; Roca, M.; Picos, R.; Font-Rosselló, M.; García-Moreno, E., "Band-Pass filter design with diagnosis facilities based on predictive techniques", "Journal of Electronic Testing-Theory and Applications" [], Volume 27, Issue 6 (2011), Pages 685-696, 2011. Paper.
  • Cerdà, J.J.; Holm, C.; Kremer, K., "Novel simulation approaches for polymeric and soft matter systems.", "Macromolecular Theory and Simulations", Volume 20, Pages 444-445, 2011. Paper.
  • Cerdà, J.J.; Elfimova, E.; Ballenegger, V.; Krutikova, E.; Ivanov, A.; Holm, C., "Study of the structure factor anisotropy and long range correlations of ferrofluids in the diluted low coupling regime.", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volume 323, Pages 1246-1253, 2011. Paper.
  • Kantorovich, S.; Weeber, R.; Cerdà, J.J.; Holm, C., "Magnetic Particles with shifted dipoles.", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volume 323, Pages 1269-1272, 2011. Paper.
  • Pyanzina, E.; Kantorovich, S.; Cerdà, J.J.; Holm, C., "Structure factor of ferrofluids with chain aggregates: Theory and computer simulations", "Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials", Volume 323, Pages 1263-1268, 2011. Paper.
  • Qiao B.; Cerdà J.J; Holm C., "Atomistic Study of Surface Effects on Polyelectrolyte Adsorption: Case Study of a Poly (styrene sulfonate) Monolayer", "Macromolecules", Volume 44, Issue 6, Pages 1707-1718, 2011. Paper.
  • Cerdà, J.J.; Ballenegger V.; Holm C., "Particle-particle particle-mesh method for dipolar interactions: on error estimates and efficiency of schemes with analytical differentiation and mesh interlacing", "Journal of Chemical Physics", Volume 135, Issue 184110, Pages 184110-1-184110-13, 2011. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, J; Balle, S;, "All-Optical Directional Switching of Bistable Semiconductor Ring Lasers", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume 47, Issue 8, Pages 1078-1085, 2011. Paper.
  • Ballenegger, V.; Cerdà, J.J.; Holm, C., "Removal of spurious self-interactions in particle-mesh methods", "Computer Physics Communications", Volume 182, Pages 1919-1923, 2011. Paper.
  • R. Picos; E. García-Moreno; M. Estrada; A. Cerdeira; B. Iñiguez, "Effect of process variations on an OTFT compact model parameters", "International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems", Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 815-827, 2011. Paper.
  • N. P. PAPADOPOULOS; A. A. HATZOPOULOS; A. MARSAL; J. PUIGDOLLERS; R. PICOS, "CURRENT AND VOLTAGE SIMULATION OF AN ORGANIC INVERTER", "International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems", Volume 20, Issue 4, Pages 843-851, 2011. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, J; Balle, S;, "Modelling the dynamics of multimode lasers | Modelado dinámico de láseres multimodo", "Óptica Pura y Aplicada", Volume 44, Issue 3, Pages 397-404, 2011. Paper.
  • P. M. Stolarz; J. Javaloyes; G. Mezösi; L. Hou; C. N. Ironside; M. Sorel; A. C. Bryce; S. Balle, "Spectral Dynamical Behavior in Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers", "NO es coneix", Volume 3, Issue 6, Pages 1067-1082, 2011. Paper.