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Tahir, Hannan ;Nicolescu, I ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Merks, RMH ;Hoekstra, A.G., "An in silico study on the role of smooth muscle cell migration in neointimal formation after coronary stenting", "Journal Of The Royal Society Interface", Volume 12, Issue 108, Pages 20150358, 2015. Paper.
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Perez-Serrano, A.; Vilera, M.; Javaloyes, J.; Tijero, J.M.G.; Esquivias, I.; Balle, S., "Wavelength Jumps and Multimode Instabilities in Integrated Master Oscillator Power Amplifiers at 1.5 $\mu$ m: Experiments and Theory", "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", Volume 21, Pages 1-9, 2015. Paper.
Bueno, Jesus ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Bazilevs, Yuri ;Gomez, Hector, "Interaction of complex fluids and solids: theory, algorithms and application to phase-change-driven implosion", "Computational Mechanics", Volume 55, Issue 6, Pages 1105-1118, 2015. Paper.
Casquero, H.; Bona-Casas, C.; Gomez, H., "A NURBS-based immersed methodology for fluid-structure interaction", "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering", Volume 284, Pages 943-970, 2015. Paper.