Publications in journals

  • B. Iņiguez, R. Picos, I. Kwon, M. S. Shur, T. A. Fjeldly, and K. Lee, "Accurate Compact MOSFET Modeling Scheme for Harmonic Distortion Analysis", "Journal Of Semiconductor Technology And Science", Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages 141-148, 2004. Paper.
  • Cerdā J.J; Sintes T; Sorensen C.M.; Chakrabarti A., "Kinetics of phase transformations in depletion-driven colloids", "Physical Review E", Volume 70, Pages 011405, 2004. Paper.
  • Cerdā J.J; Sintes T.; Sorensen C.M.; Chakrabarti A., "Structure factor scaling in colloidal phase separation", "Physical Review E", Volume 70, Pages 051405, 2004. Paper.
  • Yacomotti, A.; Furfaro, L.; Hachaor, X.; Pedaci, F.; Giudici, M.; Tredicce, J.; Javaloyes, J.; Balle, S.; Viktorov, E. A.; Mandel, P., "Dynamics of Multimode Semiconductor Lasers", "Physical Review A", Volume 69, Pages 053816, 2004. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, J. ; Perrin, M. ; Lippi, G.L. ; Politi, A., "Self-generated cooperative light emission induced by atomic recoil", "Physical Review A", Volume 70, Pages 023405-023415, 2004. Paper.
  • Picos R. ; Roca M. ; Iniguez B. ; Garcia-Moreno E. ;, "Improved Direct Determination of MOSFET Saturation Voltage Using Fourier Techniques", "IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices", Volume 51, Issue 12, Pages 2073-2077, 2004. Paper.
  • Furfaro, L.; Yacomotti, A.; Pedaci, F.; Hachair, X.; Javaloyes, J.; Giudici, M.; Tredicce, J. R.; Balle, S.; Mandel, P.; Viktorov, E.;, "Multimode dynamics of semiconductor lasers", "Proceedings of the SPIE", Volume 5452, Pages 411, 2004. Paper.