Publications in journals
- Elena S. Pyanzina; Pedro A. Sánchez; Joan J. Cerdà; Tomás Sintes; Sofia S. Kantorovich, "Scattering properties and internal structure of magnetic filament brushes", "Soft Matter", Volume 13, Pages 2590-2602, 2017. Paper.
- Bruno Romeira ; José M. L. Figueiredo ; Julien Javaloyes, "Delay dynamics of neuromorphic optoelectronic nanoscale resonators: Perspectives and applications", "International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos", Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 114323, 2017. Paper.
- B. Garbin ; J. Javaloyes ; S. Barland ; G. Tissoni, "Interactions and collisions of topological solitons in a semiconductor laser with optical injection and feedback", "International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos", Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 114308, 2017. Paper.
- C. Gordón ; M. Cumbajín ; G. Carpintero ; E. Bente ; J. Javaloyes, "Absorber Length Optimization of On-Chip Colliding Pulse Mode-Locked Semiconductor Laser", "IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics", Volume 24, Issue 1, 2017. Paper.
- Garbin, B. ; Dolcemascolo, A. ; Prati, F. ; Javaloyes, J. ; Tissoni, G. ; Barland, S., "Refractory period of an excitable semiconductor laser with optical injection", "Physical Review E", Volume 95, Pages 012214-1-012214-8, 2017. Paper.
- Gurevich, S. V. ; Javaloyes, J., "Spatial instabilities of light bullets in passively-mode-locked lasers", "Physical Review A", Volume 96, Issue 2, Pages 023821-023832, 2017. Paper.
- Casquero, Hugo ;Bona-Casas, Carles ;Gomez, Hector, "NURBS-based numerical proxies for red blood cells and circulating tumor cells in microscale blood flow", "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering", Volume 316, Pages 646-667, 2017. Paper.
- Mohamed E.A. Bassalah; Joan J. Cerdà; Tomás Sintes; Adel Aschi; Tahar Othman, "Complex between cationic like-charged polyelectrolytes/surfactants systems", "European Polymer Journal", Volume 96, Pages 55-68, 2017. Paper.
- C Dias; H Lv; R Picos; P Aguiar; S Cardoso; PP Freitas; J Ventura, "Bipolar resistive switching in Si/Ag nanostructures", "Applied Surface Science", Volume 424, Issue 1, Pages 122-126, 2017. Paper.
- Javaloyes, J. ; Marconi, M. ; Giudici, M., "Nonlocality Induces Chains of Nested Dissipative Solitons", "Physical Review Letters", Volume 119, Issue 3, Pages 033904-033909, 2017. Paper.
- Joshua Robertson ; Tao Deng ; Julien Javaloyes ; Antonio Hurtado, "Controlled inhibition of spiking dynamics in VCSELs for neuromorphic photonics: theory and experiments", "Optics Letters", Volume 42, Issue 8, Pages 1560-1563, 2017. Paper.
- Thomas Erneux ; Julien Javaloyes ; Matthias Wolfrum ; Serhiy Yanchuk, "Introduction to Focus Issue: Time-delay dynamics", "Chaos", Volume 27, Issue 11, Pages 114201, 2017. Paper.