Publications in journals

  • Nikolas P. Papadopoulos, Alkis A. Hatzopoulos, Dimitris K. Papakostas, Rodrigo Picos, C.A. Dimitriadis, S. Siskos, "A Light-impact model for p-type and n-type poly-TFTs", "Journal Of Display Technology", Volume 5, Issue 7, Pages 265-272, 2009. Paper.
  • Cerdą J.J., Qiao B., Holm C., "Modeling strategies for Polyelectrolyte Multilayers", "European Physical Journal-Special Topics", Volume 177, Pages 129, 2009. Paper.
  • Cerdą J.J; Qiao B.; Holm C., "Understanding Polyelectrolyte Multilayers: an open challenge for simulations", "Soft Matter", Volume 5, Pages 4412, 2009. Paper.
  • Balado, L.; Lupon, E.; Figueras, J.; Roca, M.; Isern, E.; Picos, R., "Verifying Functional Specifications by Regression Techniques on Lissajous Test Signatures", "Ieee Transactions On Circuits And Systems i-Regular Papers", Volume 56, Pages 754-762, 2009. Paper.
  • Garcķa-Moreno, E.; Suenaga, K.; Picos, R.; Bota, S.; Roca, M.; Isern, E, "Predictive test strategy for CMOS RF mixers", "Integration-the Vlsi Journal", Volume 42, Issue 1, Pages 95-102, 2009. Paper.
  • Alic, D.; Bona, C.; Bona-Casas, C., "Towards a gauge-polyvalent Numerical Relativity code.", "Physical Review D", Volume 79, Pages 044026, 2009. Paper.
  • Pyanzina E., Kantorovich S., Cerdą J.J., Holm C., "How to analyze the structure factor in ferrofluids with strong magnetic interactions: a combined analytic and simulation approach", "Molecular Physics", Volume 107, Issue 4-6, Pages 571-590, 2009. Paper.
  • Cerdą, J.J.; Sintes, T.; Toral, R., "Spherical brushes within spherical cavities: a self-consistent field and monte-carlo study", "Journal of Chemical Physics", Volume 131, Pages 134901-1-134901-8, 2009. Paper.
  • Ballenegger V.; Arnold A. ; Cerdą J.J., "Simulations of non-neutral slabs systems with long-range electrostatic interactions in 2D periodic boundary conditions", "Journal of Chemical Physics", Volume 131, Pages 094107, 2009. Paper.
  • Garcķa-Moreno, E.; Picos, R.; Isern, E.; Roca, M.; Bota, S.; Suenaga, K, "Radiation Sensor Compatible with Standard CMOS technology", "IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science", Volume 56, Issue 5, Pages 2910-2915, 2009. Paper.
  • Javaloyes, J.; Balle, S., "Emission Directionality of Semiconductor Ring Lasers: A Traveling-Wave Description", "IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics", Volume 45, Pages 431-438, 2009. Paper.
  • Bona, C.; Bona-Casas, C.; Terradas, J., "Linear high-resolution schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws: TVB numerical evidence", "Journal of Computational Physics", Volume 228, Issue 10, Pages 2266-2281, 2009. Paper.